About CorRES

Correlations in renewable energy sources (CorRES) is a tool to simulate wind and solar generation time series, developed at DTU Wind Energy. Its main use is in wind and solar system integration studies. Please find an overview of CorRES (PDF). More details can be found in the publications.

CorRES relies on the follow tools and datasets:

  • Wind power plant and power curve data for use in CorRES can be obtained from thewindpower.net
  • The ERA5 Reanalysis data from ECMWF is used for the input atmospheric data.
  • The ERA5 data can be scaled using the data from version 2 of the Global Wind Atlas
  • CorRES uses Powered by pvlib for solar simulations.
  • PyWake powers the generic power curve and wake modelling in CorRES.

Web services

CorRES can be accessed via a web service (this web site). The service allows you to submit runs to DTU Wind's server and receive the resulting output data online. For commercial use, please use the order form (via Jotform). A free subscription option is available for academic users for nonprofit use. Please get in touch by contacting the CorRES team if you have questions about accessing the service or would like to request the free academic access.


CorRES has been applied in many consultancy projects (see the Projects section) . If you are interested in a quotation for a consultancy project, where we can handle the CorRES runs, required input data, and output data analyses, please get in touch with the CorRES team.


CorRES has been applied in many research projects (see the Projects section). If you are interested in a research project / project application with us, please get in touch with the CorRES team.